In Iraq for 365

About my experiences in Iraq... the frustrations, the missions and this country... and the journey home

Monday, January 03, 2005

The enemy's information operations

If it were not for the other soldiers around me, I would have wept. The images will forever be ingrained in my memory, perhaps as a nightmare or a random thought: it will be there, somewhere, haunting me for the rest of my life. The man dressed in all black was pointing his finger at the camera, shouting Arabic. Then another man walked into the frame. He was also masked and dressed in black. They hugged. Another man, wearing the same black apparel, walked into the shot. This man was probably the leader, as he gave pats on the back, as if he were proud of this young man for whatever he was about to do. Then, a familiar building popped up on the screen – the FOB Marez chow hall. The camera operator said something in Arabic, then in a split second, the lives of countless people were changed forever. You could barely hear the explosion through the speakers of my laptop. The white cloud of smoke hovered over the tent and the video stopped. The person behind the camera was no doubt using a high-tech telephoto lens. He was more than likely a professional, somebody who worked for Saddam’s “Make Me Look Good” television network. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time I’d seen his work. Part of our job is to defeat the enemy’s information operations by exploiting the positive news and to handle crisis communications. In order to combat their messages, we must know what they are. Thus, I’ve been subjected to the enemy’s propaganda for work, not pleasure.

The first time I saw the my opposite’s toil was of a local worker’s beheading. The same man stood before the camera pointing and yelling. He pulled out a foot-long Arabic saber and made the soon-to-be beheaded man speak. The man’s final words… “I was wrong about the Jihad. They are every where and much stronger than I thought.” Translation: Our numbers are few, so we will scare people. The masked man with the blade grabbed the worker’s hair, pulled back his head and slowly moved the knife back and forth at the base of his neck, like a dull handsaw on a hickory tree, until his body, headless, fell to the ground.

Most recently, I watched a truck bomb explode outside of a Mosul base. This didn’t have the dramatic ending the enemy anticipated, but we still lost a beloved soldier. My heart is truly with OS and his family. The suicide bomber loaded a dump truck with 1,000 pounds of explosives and attempted to ram the front gate. No doubt, it was the same cameraman with his telephoto lens… I could tell from the angle. This time, they only posted it on their web site and didn’t alert the media of their bomb. One dead soldier is not a big enough victory for them.

Through their external information operations, you can easily gather we face an evil enemy. Fittingly, they tend to dress themselves in all black while our desert uniforms resemble a lighter tan color. My commander said it best when he said “we’re out of the Cold War, my friend. Today, our enemy has no regard for human life. He is truly evil.” Our enemy does not represent a country, religion or race. He simply represents himself and his bank account, but he is extraordinarily successful at making the world believe otherwise. The enemy likes people to think that they are fighting for Islam, for Iraq and to push out those who occupy their country. They attract young, undereducated, poor 20-to-30-something year-old Muslims. They convince these ill-advised Iraqi men they will go to heaven if they die in the fight. The enemy promises large sums of money to the men’s family, if they drive a vehicle born explosive device into a U.S. or Iraqi Security forces convoy. If they fail, they’re sacrifice was not worthy enough for Allah, which means the men behind the masks don’t pay the family as much.

They also spread lies, which we react to. In June, the enemy told news agencies there were floating headless bodies in the Tigris. Of course, the news guys ran with it without confirming the facts. Luckily, we caught the erroneous report in time before the talking heads started analyzing every small detail. When the Abu Ghraib scandal broke out, the enemy spammed pseudo photography to Iraqi newspapers – portraying non-Americans molesting prisoners. My colleague met with every Mosul reporter about the photos, pointing out that American soldiers don’t have beards and that we blouse our boots and that we certainly don’t wear white T-shirts under our uniform. Not a single paper ran with the pictures.

The enemy depicts us as infidels, Godless people who will rape your women, kill your children and burn your homes. Banners are posted throughout the city that say “rise against the infidels.” We post banners and billboards too, but these display images of hope and the future, not death. That’s our information operations: to spread the positive news. We don’t ignore the bad news and we don’t spread lies. We simply tell the truth, good or bad.

And the truth is that the enemy commits acts against humanity every day, some of which I wish I had never seen. But I am a public affairs soldier and not about to let the enemy win the information war. Although the bullets I carry will kill a few, the written words of truth, hope and the future will crush the enemy’s back, exposing him for the fraud he really is. If you doubt this, remember, good always prevails.


At 11:58 AM, Blogger Travel Ohio and beyond said...

The problem with the media covering your war is that it all starts with what the terrorists are doing first. They give them a lot of space and then, only at the bottom of most reports I've seen, do they mention anything at all about what American/Iraqi forces are doing.
Tell your people there they need to be more proactive in getting good story information to the media on what the American troops/civil affairs etc. are doing. I've seen too many instances when something happens the media has the terrorists points of view BIG. Yet, when they turn to the Americal military for response, it's usually, "We don't know or don't have a report on that." You owe it to your mission to do better than that. You need to get answers for the media. You also need to get them good stories. That's what the terrorists are doing.
That is not good crisis management when you have no comment, but your crisis maker does. And, that's what you are in, a crisis. Unless you turn this around, you are going to lose the American public--or enough of it to make the job there difficult--maybe impossible.
So, work on giving the American and other media good stories about what you are doing there. Turn the bad into some good.
And, good luck. This is not necessarily easy to do, but you can do it. I've seen it done too many times.

At 12:17 PM, Blogger FbL said...

I don't know about Smink's experience, but I know others in his position have reported that they "shop" positive stories to media outlets (AP, NY Times, local papers, etc.) and get almost no response.

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the problem with MSM is that they like the negative news more then the good ones. Not to mentioned their liberal bias. Even when I watch Fox news I get frustrated when they hammer on some stories. That's why I read blogs and other information on the net, because that's where you can get more comprehensive and accurate information. I also send packages to troops through and if you read the entries of some of the soldiers, you know that they are working on a LOT of great projects that will never get any news coverage. They even inspired me to do some more to help them to help others.
Sometimes I think that CNN and AP and others ARE working for the other side. And "funny" thing - the enemy gets a lot of information from CNN, and they obviously know how to wedge the psychological war against Americans.
Well, I think that public affairs work is very important even more for Iraqis than people back home.

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Smink,

You wrote, "The images will forever be ingrained in my memory...."

I was haunted for much of my life by vile events over which I'd had no control. Evil seemed more real to me than goodness; it threatened to crush my mind and my spirit, which, of course, was its ugly aim. This eventually pissed me off, so I sought evidence to refute its dominance. I found it everywhere. This helped:

"...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Phillipians 4:8

You and your buddies are dragon slayers. I am so impressed by what you are doing. Thank you... Mary in California

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, St. George was the dragon slayer. Do you still have the medallion I sent you, Casanova? There are alot of dragons over there, and they all need slaying.

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Watch 'n Wait said...

Think it's very hard for the US public to see or read about, first and foremost, the on-going explosions, assassinations, and such going on in Iraq, then try to fathom how anything good CAN go on. It's something like reconciling building a school and blowing the city up all at the same time. Talk about cognitive dissonance! They cancel each other out. But one thing bridges the gap...human interest stories. Personalize the story of guys trying to build that school under duress..what they have to do and procure to get that school built..and if the Iraqis are helping or hindering same, then people will pay attention. There is nothing more interesting to people than other people.

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Travel Ohio and beyond said...

My view on getting good stories in the media is give the media good stories. This does not mean "shopping" a positive story. It means giving the media a good news story about what's going on right now! Then you give them a good story tomorrow on what's happening then!
Right now the terrorists have the media and its news conference every day is to kill and blow people up and, of course, yell "God is good" as they cut off someone's head.
I know there are a lot of good news stories on the American/Iraqi interim government side. They need to be pushed.
It can be done. Give a good reporter a good story. That's what every reporter wants.

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job. I read your blog daily and am grateful for the insight into your world. I have no military background; too old, puddgy, and way too crumby at following orders to be of use there. I just wanted you to know that you are supported and admired.

Harry from Stillwater.

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Hmmm said...


You quickly becoming a must read, aren't you?

Awesome stuff. Not that I mind or anything, but is this part of your regular duties now in the psy ops battle against the terrorists?

I believe you're writing the truth as I see it, but I also know that the government and the military want to put a greater emphasis into blogging.

At 6:35 AM, Blogger DangerGirl said...

AcBlueEagle: There is an old saying in the MainStream Media(MSM)If it doesnt bleed it doesnt lead. Meaning death and scandal are the only news worth reporting upfront.

The Military Media(MM) does a great job of providing human interest postive stories to the MSM however editors simply choose to disregard those stories in favor of the above. In many cases liberal bias agendas are prevalent. We hate Mr Bush, we hate this war, and we intend to make sure Americans will constantly her about negative stories.
They put a negative slant on everything, i.e. In October the
MSM reported that 1000 troups had been killed in Iraq -not really the entire truth - in reality its about 802 KIA(killed in action) and the rest in non combat accidents the kind thatthat happen daily around the military world. In reality: The Marines suffered 228 casualities in 14 months of combat In Iraq while,in Vietman, 231 were lost in four days in one battle alone!

MilBlogs provide a dearth of insight into the realities of Iraq. Bloggers from Iraqi's themselves offer a more balanced honest perspective of both the postive and not so positive attitudes towards American military presence in Iraq.

The MSM is hellbent on providing a negative slant even when given the opportunity to cover a "good story". A reporter was asked to come out to Baghdad to cover the opening of a woman's hospital(which had been rebuilt by the troups) and he declined saying“WASN'T REALLY LOOKING FOR A GOOD NEWS STORY”.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Kim said...

I can't believe how your list of fans is growing Smink! Keep up the great posts and stay safe...

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time for a dis-information against the terrorists!


I am sure you guys are working on psychological war fair against the enemy. That said it is time to turn up the heat. Because time is short I will appeal to you instead of higher ups. Here are some suggestions:

1) While interrogating suspects let it drop that one of Zawarhri's[s.p.] aids has been flipped and is now providing information on the rest of the group for money. And, Americans are making a black list of people who worked for him. Explain this is the reason he has been allowed to roam free is to gather more information on him [desired results: the death of a top aid or sever distrust of top aids].

2) While questioning Saddam's Baath thugs, drop a hint that Saddam has cooperated and give names, addresses, and other information to the US to be keep from being executed. Maybe even explain that he did this while under a new drug which cause the victim to tell all [desired result: mistrust and confusion within Saddam's Baath thugs chain of command].

3) Relate the story to terrorists of a sniper making a 1000 yard shot on a mortar position which killed terrorist as they fired mortars. Drop the word that he was actually setup a foreign fighters and laser illuminated as a target by them in a secret deal with the US for money. Indicate a new laser guided ammunition was used to make the kill [desired effect: mistrust of foreign fighters seeking a power grab]

4) Use an Iraqi actor and concoct videos of said terrorists giving locations of recent battles in Falluah in were groups of terrorists were killed. Make the video blurred but realistic. Maybe even have the traitor's head covered with a black hood and show handing of money for realism. Convert said video into Arabic. Then plant it on a terrorists web site [desired effect: complete mistrust of fellow terrorist planning attacks].

5) Compose a video of a Iranian terrorists burning or other wise destroying an al Qaeda symbol. Indicate Iran is planning make a power grab against Saddam's Baathist thus for revenge. Distribute his video on terrorists web sites or other sites [desired effect: Baath party members mistrusting Iranian militants and causing inter-group fighting].

The list could go on. But you get my point. It's time for an all out psychological warfare against the terrorists.

Keep up the great work!

At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well POOP! Speaking of "farts"--and you do often, Sargeant S (~;). I had a major brain fart while perusing 'round the blog. I got it all bass-ackwards and ended up posting a comment for you on the November 1--"Soldiers To Missions, Just Another Day" thread.[Sheesh! It was several months ago that I had the 3 color highlights done in my hair so I can't blame THAT. harrumpphh]

This is my 1st visit (3rd post--see above), so obviously I haven't had time to read many of your writings, but BOY I hope you compile a book of stories and pics of your"Iraqi Experience"....[Uhmmm.....perhaps Bean-O™ would back you financially & include a free sample with each book. (~;)...or there's always Bush's Beans™, too.]

Oh, OK...I'll go's been a gas.....

But WAIT--I gather you're soon leaving the sandbox. I wish I'd have discovered your blog sooner. I do some long distance work for a few radio stations and am always in the market for/sharing good news stories, on air, from Iraq/Afghanistan. I'd have loved to receive letters like those you sent to the WI station. Will you pass the baton or continue to do so via a mediator once you're back in Cheesehead Mecca? [I've bookmarked you and will check back]
[Like a certain Senator from Mass--I Just LOVE that *Lambert* Field ----where the Packers once played in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan. What's up with that? Shoot! These days ya can't even get them or my Broncos to play like Chaka Khan! (~;) They just don't make football coaches like legendary ol' Guy (Vinny) Lombardo anymore, either...(~;)]

No really, I'll go now..............
God bless you BIG TIME!

Rocky Mtn. Snow Leopard(ess)
[a stones throw from Fart Carson, CO...err..FORT Carson]

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At 5:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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