In Iraq for 365

About my experiences in Iraq... the frustrations, the missions and this country... and the journey home

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Homeless vet

Never did I think it would come to this. I’m that guy who hasn’t shaved in four days. I’m the guy on the couch, wearing the same sox I did two days ago. I’m that guy who has no place of his own, but migrate from friend to friend, eating their food, using their soap and sleeping in their beds.

Since I’ve been on U.S. soil, I’ve been living out of two bags and my car. I’m a homeless vet. Well, not really, but I seriously don’t have my own apartment or condo, which I’m shopping for but just not ready to commit yet. I must say that I have some pretty good friends. I’m just driving all across this great country of ours and stopping at people’s houses. Tonight, I’ll be visiting a friend in Kansas City I haven’t seen in two years. His mother passed away while I was away and I really wish I could have been there for him. He put off getting married just so I could stand in the wedding. I have some great friends… that’s for sure. They don’t always write or call, but we’re guys; we don’t do that kind of thing. After KC, it’s back to Minnesota and then to Wisconsin again and then to Missouri and then to my home state of Oklahoma where I’ll hang out with my grandma and folks for a couple weeks and then to Texas and then to Mexico and then to Canada and then Brazil or somewhere in South America, so don’t be surprised if you don’t here from me in a while.

I really enjoy being homeless. I wonder if I should hop on a rail car instead of driving. Now that would make for an interesting post.

Below is the best story I wrote over the past year. We sent it to People Magazine and various other media outlets, all of whom said "great story, but we really can't use it." Enjoy…

Born in Iraq, raised in America
Stryker Brigade Soldier’s passion to help comes from his past

QAYARRAH, Iraq – Pfc. Husam Razaq Almusowi was born in Iraq, but raised in Dearborn, Mich. When asked: Where are you from, he replies “that’s a difficult question.” According to his fellow Soldiers in the 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, Almusowi’s journey to become an American Soldier is an unforgettable tale of courage and sacrifice.
A young boy
Born in the southern Iraq city of Samawi, Almusowi lived the life of a prince. His room was covered in marble and his peers treated him like a god. In the Arabic culture, the name Almusowi is of great prominence. All Almusowis are thought to be descendents of the Islam Prophet Mohammed.
Even as a child, grown men would stand to their feet when Almusowi walked into a room and call him sir. “My family name garners great respect from Muslims, both the Shia and Sunnis,” he said.
His father commanded a tank division for the Iraqi army, a position that contributed to the reverence of the Almusowi name. Although he was a brigadier general in Saddam’s army, Almusowi’s father did not believe in Saddam Hussein’s leadership.
“My father never had a bad thought of any man except for Saddam,” he said. “All I knew about Saddam was that he was not good for Iraq.”
Almusowi’s father knew a lot about Saddam Hussein and he didn’t hide his feelings about the former dictator. Weeks before the first Gulf War in 1991, he and several other men attempted to overthrow Hussein’s regime and end the decade of tyranny his people had endured.
Saddam’s Republican Guard discovered the general’s plan and a judge sentenced Almusowi’s father to death. “The judge told my father that he would do him a favor by hanging him while he was young, so he wouldn’t sit in prison for the rest of his life,” Almusowi said.
On day one of the Gulf War, the United States bombed Iraqi military facilities in Samawi and the prisoners escaped during the chaos. Almusowi was scheduled to be hung on the day he walked out of prison, but he would not see his wife, three boys and two girls for another five months.
The journey
As the bombing continued in the first days of the war, Almusowi could feel the impact of bombs and could see the billowing clouds of smoke from the window of his room.
“I was just a kid,” he remembers. “I was too young to know what was going on and too young to be scared.”
Escaping the bombs, large groups of Iraqis, mostly women and children, fled to Saudi Arabia, where they hoped to find safety at a refugee camp. Almusowi remembers the journey as if it were yesterday.
“We hitchhiked and walked all the way across the desert,” he said. “We camped out in the desert of southern Iraq and in the desert you can’t see anything at night. I remember finding a star and didn’t know what it was.”
When Almusowi awoke, he still had the metal insignia of a star in his hand. The morning light revealed the horror of their surroundings.
“There were dead soldiers all around us and the star was an officer’s rank,” he said. “We spent the next day burying them and then we continued to move toward the border.”
Once they reached Saudi Arabia, the group was lost. “All we saw was desert, but we kept moving, hoping we’d find somebody or one of the camps.”
With little water and food, the women and children walked through the endless desert for five days. Then, when it felt like his feet couldn’t take another step, Almusowi heard a thumping sound from a distance.
“American Soldiers driving Bradley’s found us,” he said. “They were so kind to us. My father always spoke highly of the Americans.”
Almusowi’s first introduction to an American was a U.S. Army Soldier handing him a Meal Ready to Eat (MRE).
“I’ll never forget it. I ate the Skittles,” he said.
The Soldiers transported Almusowi and his group to Rafah, Saudi Arabia, where he would spend the next 10 months living in tents, away from the only country he knew and separated from his father. He was 11 years old.
The United States
Almusowi can’t remember the exact day he was reunited with his father, but he does recall being overwhelmed with emotion.
“When my uncle and father showed up in our camp, I was so happy,” he said. “My family was together again.”
As he’d done for so many years, Almusowi’s father comforted his children, assuring them every thing would be all right. He was right.
Each family at the refugee camp selected a country where they wanted to live. Almusowi’s father selected the United States.
“Dad chose the United States because it was like the promised land, where nothing was impossible,” Almusowi said.
The day the Almusowi family boarded a plane to the United States was also the first time Almusowi saw the earth from the clouds.
“My first plane ride was for three days all the way around the world,” he said.
When Almusowi’s feet touched American soil, he began to embrace his new surroundings.
“The first week we were there, a bunch of the Iraqis went to the beach,” he said. “It wasn’t a culture shock seeing women in bikinis for the first time, but it was definitely different. Iraqi men jumped in the ocean in blue jeans. We were all just so happy to be in the United States.”
The Almusowi family moved to Dearborn, Mich., where a large Arabic population resides. Almusowi began to learn English immediately.
“The first thing I saw on television was the show Cops, and the words to the song “Bad Boys” were the first words I ever spoke in English,” he said.
The next 11 years of his life would be much different than his first 11. Almusowi became an artist, played soccer for Fordson High School and received a bachelor’s degree in history from Michigan State University. He married and witnessed the birth of his child. He was living the American dream as a citizen, yet his homeland remained in shambles.
Returning to Iraq
Almusowi joined the U.S. Army when the United States was threatening war against the regime of Saddam Hussein in an effort to give something back.
“I wanted to give back to the country that gave me so much opportunity and to help the country that gave me life,” he said.
In basic training, drill sergeants frequently asked Almusowi if he was ready to go to war in Iraq. Almusowi always said yes, but with a follow up statement.
“I always said we’re not at war with Iraq. We are at war with Saddam Hussein, the Ba’ath Party and the terrorists, who do not represent Iraq,” he said.
When he re-entered the country seven months ago with the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), Almusowi drove through his hometown of Samawi as the convoy headed north.
“During the convoy from Kuwait to Iraq, I was speechless and to this day, can’t fully explain what it feels like being back in Iraq,” he said. “I absorbed every little thing on the trip – from the rocks to the houses to the people on the streets waving at us.”
But the longer he’s stayed in his place of origin, the more he realizes his homeland’s plight.
“I see so much hunger, pain and destruction,” he said. “This is not the Iraq I remember.”
As an interpreter, Almusowi does not settle for what he sees. He’s in Iraq to make a difference.
On many occasions, Almusowi is the lead interpreter for important meetings between Coalition leaders and top Iraqi government officials. Considering Arabic and English are complex languages with few similarities, his leaders place a lot of faith in his abilities.
“He’s a great interpreter and a good kid,” said Capt. Matthew Lillibridge, the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps liaison officer for 5-20. “He definitely has a lot more responsibility placed on him than your average private first class.”
There are times when Almusowi doesn’t sleep because he’s translating letters thought to be written by terrorists. In his spare time, he teaches ICDC soldiers how to read and write Arabic and English. In the town of Qayarrah, Lillibridge said Almusowi has won over every Iraqi he’s spoken to.
“He receives instant respect from the Iraqis because he’s an Iraqi and an American Soldier,” Lillibridge said. “Almusowi is an invaluable asset to our efforts in Iraq because they can see the passion he has for the Iraqi people when he talks to them. He’s won the respect of his fellow Soldiers as well for his commitment to the United States.”
Almusowi’s passion for the present comes from his past.
“I don’t want what happened to me to happen to another kid. If I can make a difference in one person while I’m here, I’ve done my job,” he said. “Who knows where I would have ended up if the American Soldiers didn’t find us 13 years ago?
“The way I look at it, I’m doing my duties as a Soldier and a little bit more because I am Iraqi.”


At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a great story, Casanova. It doesn't surprise me to know that the story was turned down by the press, though. They're a bunch of worthless idiots!!! And, you were right before when you said that reporters all have an agenda......but, theirs sure isn't the same as mine.....;)

I hope you saw the State of the Union address last night. When the Iraqi woman turned and embraced the mother of the Marine that was KIA in Fallujah, I lost it completely. It does my heart good to see that, and I'm sure it touched many others who saw it. Thank goodness it was live and the media couldn't cut that part out......


At 1:21 PM, Blogger JUST A MOM said...

I was afraid to start reading this because there were no Kleenex warnings. I did anyway and am so glad I did. Thanks! Oh yeah the whole homless thing, Enjoy it while you can, there will come a time, when you will wish you could do it again!! But please, at least change the sox.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger DangerGirl said...

What a beautiful story about a truly courageous and grateful man, PFC Almusowi "“I wanted to give back to the country that gave me so much opportunity and to help the country that gave me life,”

I don't know if you are still in touch with him...but if you are...please let him know that I am grateful for HIS service.
I wonder how he must have felt watching the Iraqi's vote on Sunday?

In your travels to Canada if you find yourself in Toronto or Vancouver, please let me know....Drinks are ON me! ( and I do mean ON me ;) ...and I'll be happy to recommend some great places for you to check out....IN the city..not on me! ;)

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really have enjoyed reading your blog, and I really think you need to come visit Michigan because I just live right down the road from joy, and I have lots of space here too, many extra empty beds. Be safe be careful and be you.

At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I haven't read the article you wrote since I'm really beat and on some meds since breaking a few bones. However, I don't think your situation is unique for people who "have seen the shit".

When my cousin got out or Marine Recon after 4 years, he was bouncing around people's houses for a qhile. He finally settled in a rental property my parents owned with my sister as a roommate. He ended up going stir crazy. He just didn't like life as it was now. My grandfather gave him the name of a Navy admiral to see if he could/would go into naval intel, but finally decided on the Army green barets. He's now just about out of his training and is going to be going to Iraq in March. I'm starting to suspect he's going to be a lifer; civilian life just doesn't appeal to him. Dunno if he'll bounce around services every time, but I think he really enjoys what he does.

I'm looking forward to your article, I'm sure it'll be great. I just want to read it on a clear head to fully appreciate it.

Rock, rock on,

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Mo said...

Great story. Excellent.

I hope you enjoyed your time in KC. Being from there I can appreciate some of the better qualities of the entire area. But when you come down to TX, let us know. The hubby and I would be honored to buy you a drink. :o)

Be safe and change the socks! :o)

At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kick ass! as usual, Sminkie! the invitation's still open here in dallas. and, yes it includes laundry service (if needed) or just replacement socks. "pool" Q sed it and i am stickin to it

At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great story. You should e-mail it to other bloggers so they can spread the news.

Why don't you come and visit us in Colorado? You could go skiing :-)
Agnieszka, Denver

At 5:15 PM, Blogger pacos_gal said...

Thats a great article, I think you should keep shopping it around, you never know, someone might pick it up. Send to some of the major newspaper editors, they might use it.
I hope you are having a great time seeing all your friends and traveling around. Alot of young people dream of doing something like that and here you are doing it. Good for you. Take care on your travels.

At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful story and great writing. This story is much TOO GOOD for People magazine. I'm sure it will reach around the world through the blogosphere. Keep up the good work.

Hangtown Bob

At 10:55 AM, Blogger dcat said...

You are amazing! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story! Enjoy your journey! Are you going to go to Seattle?

At 12:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raid .... Hi I'm Iraqi,Very good story. for the blogger owner, you did very well in iraq. I hope I can someday do something to appretiate USA on what they did in IRAQ, we are very thankfull to you because you save us from Saddam. Any Iraqi who aren't appretiate that he doesn't deserve to be Iraqi. Thanks again to all USA solders and alll the staff that are working in IRAQ. every nation has bad and good people,some USA solders have some bad manners in iraq but in general I can see 95% of them are kind and this what makes you a good nation.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger joseph said...

Thank you for sharing this. Your writing is excellent, please write more? :)

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Wino McHackenpuke said...

Hey, I've got a good story on my website about an encounter I had with a bum. It's a good thing he wasn't trained by the military, though.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Great post and fantastic story... thanks for sharing!

At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great story, if you are ever head to NC mountains, there is a place for you in my home.

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smink, I have only started reading your blog recently. I found it by accident from a posting on a Milwaukee Brewers blog. I instantly recognized your last post from Iraq from having heard it read on the Green House. I have enjoyed listening to your weekly letters and wish you well. Take the opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of all the fine folks that have offered you a place to stay.

I also heard your interview on the Green House and I couldn't help to think that your current travels might lend to any literary opportunities you might have.

Thank you for all you have done for our country and for keeping everyone in the Milwaukee area informed while you were in Iraq.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Blair Heusdens said...

Minnesota, eh?
I hear the weather is lovely.
See you there?

At 5:01 PM, Blogger remoteman said...

Great story. You should send it along to Powerline, Hugh Hewitt or even National Review Online. All of them love this kind of thing, have large readership and would probably help the story get wider coverage. People mag would only be interested if the soldier had humped Terri Hatcher THEN served in Iraq.

Have a fun time "On The Road". You are wise to take the chance when you have it. Once the job/wife/kiddies come along chucking it all and going walkabout is very hard to do. Keep posting and good luck!

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At 10:09 AM, Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés said...

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At 7:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. Nice blogs.

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